Why Business (Not Gov't or Individuals) will solve the Climate Crisis (3/3)

Why Business (Not Gov't or Individuals) will solve the Climate Crisis (3/3)

There's a general misconception that the business community hasn't accepted the facts surrounding climate change.  That's not actually the case.  In fact most of the business community hasn't weighed in at all.  As industry makes itself more conscious of a warming planet, you're seeing more attention paid to these four areas in particular.  These are the activities sensible mangers will impose on the marketplace.

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Business (not Government or Individuals) will solve the Climate Crisis (PART 2 of 3)

Business (not Government or Individuals) will solve the Climate Crisis (PART 2 of 3)

This post is the second in a series of three articles which lay out why global warming will ultimately be resolved by the efforts of the business community.  Part 1 talked largely about how a good manager looks at risk, why climate change needs to be considered a risk management issue, and how (because this risk is a systemic) it can't be resolved through obvious risk management tools.  Today we're moving on to an evaluation of some bullet points that are germane and looking at how government, business and individuals rank on those qualities relative to one another.  While doing that we'll frame out why the business community is better suited (and more likely) to solve the climate crisis than either of the other two.  The final post in this series will talk about the levers that need to be pulled to make climate action effective and why the business community will be operating those levers.

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